Letters: When I Knew

Jul 15, 2021 | 2012 Winter- When I Knew

Dear Bi Women,
I first want to thank you for printing my article, “Yes I am!” I hope that it helped some readers in thinking about career choices and seeing that there are safe places to work all over the US. I secondly wanted to let you know that I have had an amazing opportunity fall into my lap because of being ‘out at work’: I have been chosen to be one of ten Academic Advisors from around the world in the National Academic Advising Association’s (NACADA) Emerging Leaders Class of 2011-2013. The NACADA Emerging Leaders Program “encourages members from diverse groups to get involved in leadership opportunities in the organization” to “increase the numbers of leaders from diverse groups” in the organization. Since I am the only known ‘out’ bisexual in the organization by the NACADA LGBTA Concerns Commission, I was chosen and cannot wait to bring the “B to LGBT”! I want to encourage other bi women to seek out opportunities like this at their workplace or in professional organizations in which they are involved. Others need to know we are here!
Take care,
Mandy Metzger

I love the fall newsletter!!! just wanted to let you know…
take care,

Dear Bi Women,
I have been meaning to con- tact y’all to let you know that I’ve moved and to ask you to convert my subscription to an electronic one. Thanks for keeping me in the loop! Bi Women reminds me that I’m not alone out here.
Best, Dakota from Manhattan, NY

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