Fall 2024: Child free

In this very complex world we live in, there are so many reasons one might decide not to procreate. Would you like to share yours? Motherhood and womanhood are too often conflated, and choosing not to parent can carry stigma, no matter your gender. How has this decision affected the way you see your gender, your sexuality, yourself? Submit by August 1, 2024.

Winter 2025: Teachers & Mentors

We all have teachers in our lives that have helped to form us into the people we are today. Some of them may be traditional educators; others may be mentors, colleagues, authors/artists, friends, relatives, or even students themselves. What roles have teachers played in your life? How have they helped shape your understanding of/perspectives on bisexuality or of yourself more generally? What is the most important lesson (or lessons) that you want to pass on to others? Tell us who has impacted you the most. Submit by  November 1, 2024.


View Submission Guidelines.