From Your Editor: Intersection: Age

Jun 26, 2021 | 2014 Summer - Intersection: Age, Editor's Note

The first in a series on intersectionality, the theme of this issue is “Intersection: Age.” Readers were given the following prompt: “We don’t exist in a vacuum. Age is one of the intersections of identity that shapes how we experience our sexual orientations. Let’s have an intergenerational dialogue.” We received a record number of submissions; in fact, we received so many high-quality pieces that we’re going to run two issues on this theme: one now and another in Spring 2015.

This issue includes prose and poetry by Jamie Bergeron-Beamon, Vanessa Brown, Theresa Tyree, Jessica Johnson, Colleen McTigue, Gwendolyn, Sue Katz, Jodi S. Rosenfeld, Jane Barnes, Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, F. Withe and Apphia K. There is no formal “Around the World” feature; instead, one writer is Indian and currently living in the U.S. and another is from the U.S. and currently living in China. There’s also Ask Tiggy, News Briefs, Reader Feedback and a calendar of events.

Also, we have something to ask of you, our readers: this publication includes a broad range of voices but there is always room for improvement. So here’s a challenge: if you don’t see your experience represented, please consider writing. Also, artists: we are always looking for artwork, so please send in yours. And finally, please spread the word about this publication far and wide and please consider supporting our work with a donation (see the donation page at


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