From the Editor: Does Gender Matter?

Sep 26, 2016 | 2016 Fall - Does Gender matter?, Articles, Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

This month’s theme is “Does Gender Matter?” Is love really just love, no matter the gender of your partner(s)? Are your affections and attractions genderless, or do you crave or seek experiences with particular genders? Are you treated differently with different-gendered partners? Do you behave differently? In this issue, Theresa Tyree, Francesca Bongiorno Fortunato, Sara McCormick, Denarii Monroe, Marisa Rebecca, Jo-Anne Carlson, Courtney Carola and Liz share their writing on or around this theme.

We are particularly delighted to premier in this issue TWO new columns: The Bi Bookshelf by Sarah E. Rowley (pp. 10-11), and Advice From A. Rose Bi (pp. 14-15). And we plan to introduce a third new column in the next issue of BWQ. (Can you stand the suspense?)

For Around the World, Apphia Kumar interviews Indian bi activist Sonal Giani, and we are delighted to have a new comic from Why Not Both Co.

MB Austin interviews author Victoria Avilan, Amy M. Liebowitz reviews Casey Lawrence’s latest book, Order in the Court, and finally, true to form, we bring you our News Briefs and Calendar.

If you live in the Boston area, please join us at one of our upcoming bi women’s brunches on September 10 and October 16.

And if you’ve never contributed to BWQ before, please consider sharing your words, your artwork … or your $$$.

~ Robyn

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