Editor’s Note: Bi+ Health

Mar 2, 2022 | 2022 Spring - Bi+ Health, Editor's Note

March is Bi+ Health Month, so it is fitting that we dedicate our Spring issue to bi+ health. I’m particularly excited about this issue, as it is one of the areas on which I speak and write. Bi+ people experience health disparities due, in my opinion, to the fact that we experience considerable minority stress. Minority stress, in its simplest definition, is the idea that being a member of a stigmatized identity group is stressful. This stress takes its toll on our physical and mental health.

We present content on a wide range of related subjects, among them eating disorders, anxiety, the challenges of navigating the pandemic, trans healthcare, aging, disability, dependency, mental illness, bisexual-biracial identity, and even the specific stress of being a bisexual bisexual health researcher.

We are also delighted to announce the return of our “Research Corner” co-edited by Beverly Yuen Thompson and Nicola Koper. This issue, because of its focus on health, includes several research articles. Future Research Corners will include just one or two short articles presenting current research findings relevant to bi+ people in a style that is accessible to non-researchers.

In addition to all the health-related content, we feature Russian activist Nadja Arontschik in “Around the World.” You will also find a review of Canadian TV series Jann, artwork by Carol E Moses and Jo-Anne Carlson, and a short News Brief.



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