Category: 2016 Spring – Out at Work (or Not)

Out at Work

By Deb Morley I once heard someone say that if you never go into the closet then you never have to come out to anyone. I really like this philosophy as it encourages me to be genuine in my relationships and avoid those...

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By Sue I am out at work. When I talk about my identity, I phrase it: “I date all genders; gender is not a deciding factor for me.” I try not to use a specific term such as “bisexual” because using the term causes people to bring...

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By Flash Gorski I was NOT out at work. People only knew I’d been married to a man. One day, three female colleagues were leafing through a Vogue magazine. They stopped at a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous woman in a ball gown....

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Out. As Something.

By Mitsy I think people know me as gay, perhaps queer, but not readily as bisexual. I have used “bisexual” to self-identify, but my female partner is known to the staff and I don’t think they necessarily make the distinction of...

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Bi Women Quarterly

Bi Women Quarterly is a grassroots publication originally produced by the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network and now an independent project. We have been in continuous publication since 1983, and are the oldest bisexual+ women’s publication in the world, with a global readership.

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Bi+ identified folks of all genders are welcome to join us at our next Bi+ World Meetup. These happen online every 3 months at 8pm UTC/ 4pm EST.  Next one is May 31. Info:

And bi+ identified women & nonbinary folks are invited to join us at our monthly “Digital Brunches.” The next ones are Saturday, June 1st, Sunday, July 7th, and Saturday, August 3rd at 5pm UTC/1pm EST. Info:

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