The Queerest Animals

Jul 28, 2021 | 2017 Spring - Bi+ Creativity

By Kate Estrop

The bi+ community is diverse, imaginative, creative, and, most amusing to me, pun-rich. I mean, look at our books: Getting Bi, Bi Any Other Name, and for our Spanish-speaking punsters, BiSibilidad. We have groups called AmBi (LA) and BiLocal (Columbus, OH). And most recently, the Bisexual Resource Center has adopted a pink, purple and blue bee as its mascot: the “bee” in LGBTQ.

So there was so much to choose from when I was thinking of incorporating bi+ puns into a comic. I could have done song titles (like “Stand Bi Your Man,” “Stand Bi Me,” and “I Can See Queerly Now”), celebrities (Amanda Bines and Binedict Cumberbatch), or locations (like Queerwater Beach). But creatures are the most fun to draw, so that’s where I landed: “The Queerest Animals.”

~ Kate Estrop

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