The New Bi Youth Website at

May 1, 2010 | 2010 Spring - The (First) Youth Issue, Articles

By Robyn Ochs

“Are there any resources out there specifically for bisexual youth?” This is the most common question I am asked as a speaker. And until very recently, the answer was “No.” There are a number of resources for LGBT youth on the web, but few resources focus specifically on bi-identified youth. So this past summer, with the help of a number of volunteers, I created a website for bi, fluid and questioning youth. The website is a project of the Bisexual Resource Center, and can be found at This site is a work in progress, and it is our hope that bi youth themselves will provide its direction and focus. Please take a look, and let us know what you think. Whatever your age – and especially if you are a youth – your feedback is welcome.

Below are a few words of wisdom from bi youth that are already posted on the site:

Ashleigh, age 15: Be who you are! Embrace your true self. Even when/if people put you down, they only do so because they don’t understand. (Generally, hate is ignorance.) So stand up tall, and believe in yourself. It can be hard, but in the end it will be worth it because in some way your interactions with others will have changed their perspective.

Kitty, age 22: There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t have to choose one side, straight or gay. Bi isn’t a phase and you’re attracted to whomever you’re attracted to, there’s no changing that.

Ellie, age 20: Remember that your sexuality is more fluid than society would lead you to think. Just as it can be hard for a person raised in a hetero-normative culture to acknowledge same-sex attractions, it can also be hard for a queer-identified person to acknowledge opposite-sex attractions. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, force you into a box or deny the validity of your feelings. Being queer doesn’t mean being gay 100% of the time. It’s about the identity you choose, the community you have, and how you see the world.

Casey, age 19: There’s nothing wrong with you. Your sexuality is fluid. However long or short a time it takes to get there, embrace the path to finding just who you are and the perfect way to identify and express yourself as such. Be safe, be true to yourself, live and love with all your heart.

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