Mimi and the Too-Much Girl (Me)

Feb 1, 2019 | 2019 Winter - Bisexuality and Disability, Poetry

By Jane Barnes

For Mimi Brown

she said you’re so smart but when we
talk we go for hours and I have to
hang up and take a nap and when we
dance at Somewhere Else we go till

closing you’d rather walk to the T than
take a cab or you make friends with the
cabbie get up the next morning and
write a poem about our date read it

out loud to me on some Back Bay
doorstep it’s charming and good but
I want a girl a little less lively someone
normal who even almost bores me

oh I said we don’t have to walk from
Brighton to the North End in an hour
discuss fifteen novels by lesbians
analyze their styles or go to a poetry

reading of gay Walta or Charlie or
go for a “few” drinks get three
burgers or go to Romeo’s and drink
4 espressos at 3 AM walk again to

the Copley Square T stop or sit on
some rehabbed Berkeley Street
porch discussing consciousness
raising aren’t I mellowing out

so what do you mean when you say
it’s not about just whether you like me?
aren’t I witty enough oh you say
you just want some silence?

Jane is a long-time New Yorker, currently living on Staten Island.

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