Letters: Nonbinary x2 (or more)

Jun 24, 2021 | 2019 Summer - Nonbinary x2 (and more)

Dear Womyn,

I have enjoyed your publication for several years. I will be moving in June and will not know my address for a while. I plan to switch to an electronic subscription and will no longer need to be on your (snail) mailing list. Please ac- cept this $50 check to help cover the postage you have endured for me. I do appreciate your work and everyone’s words.

Thank you so kindly,
MB, Fort Collins, Colorado

Dear BWQ,

I am the Executive Director of PRIDE in Action, a Jamai- can queer-focused NGO that serves students and other youth through SPECTRUM, the LGBTQIA+ resource centre that we run on campus at The University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Our project assistant, Chris Leslie, and I were first introduced to BWQ when we met Robyn Ochs at Creating Change 2017. We enjoy the publication when it comes out and we’ve printed and made the last couple years’ editions available in our li- brary. For the last edition, Chris and I (both cis gay men) selected our favorite entries and posted copies on the wall of the lounge room as our selected picks. We’ll probably do the same again for the new issue, as it gets folks read- ing! Thanks again for sharing it with us!

Mark Clifford, Kingston, Jamaica

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