Invitations & Upcoming Events

Mar 1, 2024 | 2024 Spring - Letters to Myself

Bi+ World Meetup May 24

Join us at the 12th Bi+ World Meetup! Meetup will be May 24, 4 p.m. EST/ 10 p.m. CEST. Bi+ people everywhere are invited to us on Zoom. We’ll use breakout rooms to give folks an opportunity to join each other in a friendly and free setting. The meeting is in English and is facilitated by Barbara Oud (the Netherlands) and Robyn Ochs (U.S.). Pre-registration is required. Register at

A special invitation to our readers EVERYWHERE: 

Please join the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network at one (or all) of our digital brunches. We are proud of our community, and we would love to make connections across the country and globe. Grab your coffee or tea and some food while we chat about bi+ issues and other fun topics. Cis, nonbinary, and trans women are welcome!  Info/RSVP: (Note: Dates are subject to change. Check to confirm date.)

Digital brunches will be held on the following dates starting at 1 p.m. EST:

Sat., March 2

Sun., April 7

Sat., May 4

Sat., June 1

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