I Am Who I Am

May 1, 2010 | 2010 Spring - The (First) Youth Issue, Articles

By Celean

I found out about bisexuality through my friends. Seeing how most of them are bi it wasn’t hard for me to understand it and want to know more about it. Being me is hard since many don’t approve. Looking back on my life, I can now see all the signs that were leading me to be bisexual. I am happy being who I am, even if it is hard.

At my high school in Huntington, Indiana, people look down upon those of us who are attracted to same-sex partners. Seeing looks of disgust on many faces is very common. Obviously, we have no LGBT or gay-straight alliance at our school. My friends, of course, approve since they are all mostly bi. Those who aren’t bisexual still seem to be okay with it. My family doesn’t approve at all of gays. So I haven’t told them yet, for fear of their reactions. However, with all the support from my friends, I will soon tell them. Ellen is my role model; seeing how she lives her life in the open, and isn’t afraid of what others say about who she is, or who she is with.

My advice for all those like myself is: Be who you are, instead of living up to others’ expectations. You are who you are, and that’s all that matters.

Celean is 17, a junior in high school, and on the swim team at her school.

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